Student Solution


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Case Brief Discussion-7

Case Brief Discussion-7

Q In the Case Briefs Discussion area, give your constructive feedback on the submissions that have been posted by your classmates. Your remarks can be opinion, but must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this area to gain valuable insight on how your fellow colleagues approached the Case Briefs and how your professor gave feedback and suggestions. Apply this information going forward to strengthen your own work. Apply this information going forward to enrich your understanding of the material, improve your ability to apply that knowledge to new content, and to strengthen your own work.

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This case of Cronin v. Town of Amesbury, evolves from the decision of the Town of Amesbury, Massachusetts for terminating Michael A. Cronin from his designation as the Town’s Chief of Police. Basically, the town seems to have terminated Cronin for falsely rejecting under the oath that he did already write a pornographic letter that was found from his desk at the Amesbury Police Department (Cronin v. Town of Amesbury, 1995). As of the fifteen count compliant, Cronin did allege that the Town’s board of Selectman alongwith two managers as well as a number of police officers with two private citizens did accumulate and decided to terminate him in violation of the 42 U.S.C. §§?1983 and 1985(3) and state law.